2023/2024 Lethbridge Synchorobelles
Sponsorship Opportunity
The Lethbridge Synchrobelles Synchronized Swimming Club (LSSSC) is a non-profit organization that is proud to bring the sport of Artistic Swimming to the city of Lethbridge. Our club offers artistic swimming programs for swimmers ages 5 to adult in both recreational and competitive streams. The LSSSC is a registered society and is run by a strong and committed executive volunteer board members. The LSSSC is a registered affiliate of both Alberta Artistic Swimming and Canada Artistic Swimming.
Our swimmers fees do not cover the full cost of running the club, we look to local businesses owners in hopes that you may consider providing sponsorship. Donations received assist with things such as pool rental costs, coaching wages, competition expenses, equipment and wardrobe items. With your support our club will be able to grow and flourish and continue to provide Artistic Swimming for all to enjoy!!!
As a proud sponsor, depending on your level, We would gratefully display your business/organization name/logo on signage and club t-shirts during our practices and events. Our club practices Mondays, Tuesday, and Thursdays from 6 to 9 p.m., and some Friday afternoons. There are many spectators at the pool at these times. We would also display your business/organization name/logo on printed event programs and on our website, and publicly thank you for your sponsorship on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter channels. We are happy to work with you to ensure you are happy with the publicity.
Our Fundraising goal for this year is $25,000.
Sponsorship opportunities are as follows:
*PLATINUM - $5,000+
*GOLD - $2,5000
*SILVER - $1,000
*BRONZE - $500
Your generosity at any level will be much appreciated by all our members. Please consider this opportunity to support truly marvelous athletes in the sport of synchronized swimming. Should you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail LSSSC board at lsssc.board@gmail.com
Thanks to our 2023-2024 sponsors:
SILVER SPONSOR - 23/24 Season
Cavendish Farms

SILVER SPONSOR - 23/24 Season
Deltec Power

BRONZE SPONSOR -23/24 Season
Good Times Comedy Club

Thanks to our 2022-2023 sponsors:
Thank you to the Hubbard family. In honour of Annette Hubbard, a synchro parent, who loved the sport and wanted others to enjoy it as well.

BRONZE SPONSOR -22/23 Season
Thank you to Neu-Lite Electric Inc. for the purchase of our new water jugs/bottles! These help our athletes work on artistic swimming skills in the pool!